How you apply is just as important as what you apply. We recommend commercial cannabis growers invest in an atomizer for preventative application of Grower's Ally formulas and also understand some cultivators prefer to give clones a bath.
When using the dunk method, always allow your cannabis plants to establish themselves in their medium before dunking, this is typically 2 to 3 weeks after transplant. Here are some tips for success with Grower’s Ally formulas.
We're committed to protecting people, plants and profits. Grower's Ally will always provide highly effective, all-natural solutions for cultivators. Commercial cultivators can shop direct to grower or purchase our products on Amazon. If you want to see Grower's Ally in your local hydro store, contact our sales team. Stay connected with Grower's Ally on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for product updates, giveaways and exclusive promotions.